Free excerpt from the Book “Chaos in Brainland” A Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety-Free Zone -
From Chaos to Harmony
Change needs a positive mindset enhanced by positive thinking and speaking. The subconscious mind has a problem with negative-based language; it does not understand it.
Become aware of how you talk. Listen to yourself talking and work on using mainly positive language and fewer negations.
Negations are words like no, not, can't, don't, won't, shouldn't, wouldn't, never, none, and can't; with other words, "Say what you want, not what you don't want".
Don't say or even think, "I don't want to be anxious"; instead, speak with conviction, "I want to be Happy, Healthy, Calm and Content". Follow that up with an affirmation, "I am Happy, Healthy, Calm and Content, and day by day, I am getting better and better." Then work out what you need to cause to get that effect.
The subconscious mind can only understand a positive thought or statement. Try it out, visualize a cat not chasing a mouse. Your mind doesn't understand that message; it will imagine a cat chasing the mouse first and then stopping it.
Telling your child not to spill the milk creates a higher possibility of your child spilling the milk than if you said, "Hold the glass straight." To understand the first sentence, the child would mentally have to spill the milk in order not to do it.
The subconscious mind takes language literally. Think twice before saying, "I am dying to go to the beach."
Use positive language, and always specify what you want.
While on the topic of positive language, whenever you don't get a message across, change your message. That doesn't mean talking louder; it means using different words and different perspectives until you find the right words for that person to understand.
There is more to a happy relationship than love; there is effective communication and voicing your expectations. Negative language or expecting your partner to read your mind about what you want or don't want will not work and can lead to anxiety.
While it is important to use positive language, it is even more vital to learn how to control negative thinking. When negative thoughts repeat on an endless loop, high levels of anxiety and even depression are not far behind. We can break the destructive pattern by developing greater awareness, discipline and support to learn and practise new positive thoughts and behaviours.
Your thoughts are a powerful form of energy. You will likely feel drained of power if you are preoccupied with negative thoughts. So think about those recurring feelings you experience that you could do without. The most significant drainers are feelings of guilt, anger, fear and being criticized unnecessarily.
Self-Discipline Check
Check your self-discipline - how strong is it? It is not enough to just read about what to do. Can you muster the self-discipline and do what is suggested and required?
Start a self-discipline exercise right now, one that has helped many people:
Use your self-discipline and control over your mind to stop negative self-talk and thinking. Keep a check on your thoughts. You are the observer of your mind, and you have the power to stop negative thoughts. Stop negative thoughts by exchanging them with positive ones.
Trying to fight a negative thought or trying not to think about it will not work. It will only work by replacing it with a new positive thought.
You cannot not think of something. By not thinking of something, you think about it.
How not to think of something? ….. To be continued….
From Brainland - Cheers, Dieter Luske -
“Chaos in Brainland” A Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety-Free Zone!
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