Hacks for Mind Management
Everyone is hacking something these days. People hack into your computer or someone else's. It's all too familiar and often results in dire consequences. On the other hand, lots of clever people educate us about hacks that can achieve something positive. There are hacks for better sleep, diet, and even relationship hacks.
It seems all solutions and techniques have become hacks. Are hacks easier to achieve than learning a mind management technique?
Hacks certainly sound more effortless, and in a way, they are more straightforward because they are limited to a specific action rather than to a comprehensive, holistic approach like mind management. Looking up to get away from feeling anxious is an example of a hack, but it’s only a minor part of a complex issue.
Use a language or terminology that makes sense to you; you need to feel comfortable with it. If hacks sound better than 'mind management', then use hacks. Each technique within the broad scope of mind management lends itself to be extracted as individual hacks.
A virus is usually something contagious and nasty, but often a virus is used for good as well, maybe to stop a rabbit plague. Or consider a topic on YouTube going viral; whether it is good or bad depends on the issue. If your marketing campaign is going viral, you will be happy. However, if something embarrassing about you goes viral, you would be decidedly less happy.
The trick is to make sure that your chaos, worry, stress or anxiety is not going viral in your mind. Instead, infect your mind with something positive and let that become viral.
The techniques or mind hacks we discussed can be your beneficial viral action; let positivity and curiosity become viral. Get infected by a positivity virus. Do you like writing? Why not get infected by the writing bug? Writing, being a creative outlet, is an excellent way to ward off anxiety.
It is well-known that people infected by the writing bug, but who are not writing, feel unsettled; they suffer because something essential is missing from their lives. Could that be you? As soon as they start writing, they are as good as gold.
Excerpt from “Chaos in Brainland” - amazon.com.au/dp/0645652334/
From Brainland - Cheers, Dieter Luske - www.dieterluske.com/