Chaos in Brainland - Introduction
Let’s replace chaos, stress, worries and anxiety with a positive, supportive mindset. There are countless drivers that cause the mind to misbehave; luckily, we are not our minds, we are the observers of our minds. The following chapters clarify the various techniques of change, including holistic applications, different perspectives, and “First Aid Anxiety Response Techniques.”
I favour a holistic approach to relieve mental distress and mediate between the conscious and subconscious mind.
I wrote a book on self-improvement in the early nineties. A lot of time has passed. No doubt, many positive changes have happened, but there is enough evidence to suggest that some changes have contributed to increased mental distress and an increase in mental sensitivity.
The worldwide web, unheard of in 1990, has become an essential part of our lives with countless positive applications. It has also brought with it the new concepts of information overload, social media addiction and a need for speed.
Life can be tough to cope with, and there is a considerable inclination to worry, have anxieties and even panic attacks.
The good news, despite everything: we can live a happy life without being affected negatively by what is happening around us. We can decide how we react by staying positive, compassionate, loving, creative and responsible.
In this book I have utilised holistic techniques from over thirty years of counselling, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Clinical Hypnosis. I have also explained how art, creativity, diet, brain chemistry, and exercise play into this therapy concept.
It is never enough to know supportive techniques; one ought to also learn and practise those techniques.
The question of what you can control is probably the most critical factor in overcoming a mind affected by anxiety. The second critical factor is where you apply your power and energy. Focusing on anxiety will increase it; focusing on remedial strategies and controlling what we can control, will create a positive mindset. In essence, what we focus on is what we get.
Therefore, to be successful in our efforts to be happy and healthy relies on our enthusiasm and being game enough to change, being responsible and having the self-discipline to take positive action.
Getting out of anxiety can seem like an insurmountable hurdle. However, if you shift your perspective away from anxiety and concentrate on what you actually can do and control, you will have opened a path to personal happiness.
Discover in this book what you can control. Widen your awareness and find what triggers your mind to misbehave and burden you with worries and anxieties. Becoming aware of warning signs that trigger anxiety enables you to prevent them from gaining control over your mind.
"Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, which is the ending of fear."
Jiddu Krishnamurti
… by Dieter Luske -